Fashion Illustrations.

Woman with a Dog.

The Women with a Dog is an illustration that is mostly black and white with pops of red. This illustration focuses on the texture of the dog and the large fur coat that the women is wearing.

Size: 297 x 420 mm

Medium: Gouache, Fine Liner

Dior Ready to Wear.

This illustration is based on one of the outfits form the Dior Ready to Wear Collection. This illustration focuses on a stronger sense pattern through the black, white, and grey checkered pattern jacket with a mesh skirt underneath.

Size: 297 x 420 mm

Medium: Gouache Fine Liner

Denim Fashion Figure.

Denim Fashion Figure is an illustration of a women with a denim fashion look with the jacket being denim and the bottom being legless with an octopus feel.

Size: 210 x 297 mm

Medium: Gouache, Fine Liner

Dior Men’s Resort.

This illustration is based on one of the outfits from the Dior Men’s Resort Collection. This illustration focuses on the blocked colours with the small line details to showcase the different parts of the outfit.

Size: 297 x 420 mm

Medium: Copic Markers, Fine Liner

Zimmerman Fall-Winter.

This illustration is based on one of the outfits from the Zimmerman Fall-Winter Collection. This illustration focuses on the blocked colours with the small line details to showcase the different parts of the outfit as well as having a bright pattern shirt.

Size: 297 x 420 mm

Medium: Gouache, Fine Liner

Coat & Heels.

This illustration focuses on a close up of a large jacket and shoes that the figure is wearing. This illustration focuses on a pattern and not fully colour blocking the clothing

Size: 297 x 420 mm

Medium: Copic Markers, Fine Liners

70’s Inspired.

This 70’s inspired fashion look focuses on three primary colours pink, yellow and blue with a bright bold checkered pattern. This look also focuses on having white accessories which includes the bag, boots and sunglasses. This illustration also transferred the pattern from the dress onto the background to add more depth.

Size: 297 x 420 mm

Medium: Gouache, Fine Liner

Pink Perfume.

Pink Perfume focuses on a full monochromatic illustration with the focus colour being pink and then using different shades and tones to add depth and pattern to the illustration. This illustration focuses on the pink perfume product and the floral pattern on the long sleeve shirt.

Size: 297 x 420 mm

Medium: Gouache

Blue Perfume.

Blue Perfume focuses on a full monochromatic illustration with the focus colour being blue and then using different shades and tones to add depth and a pattern to the illustration. This illustration focuses on the blue perfume bottle and the floral pattern on the background.

Size: 297 x 420 mm

Medium: Gouache

Retro Fashion Figure.

This Retro Fashion Figure focuses on a full block colour illustration. This illustration focuses on the women with her large hat and then also focuses on create a small shadow to add more detail and depth to the illustration.

Size: 297 x 420 mm

Medium: Gouache

Fashion Details.

Ballet Feet.

Ballet Feet focuses on just the bottom half of the body. The legs are draw in such as way that it looks like a dancer which is also shown through the way the feet look too.

Medium: Watercolour, Ink

Fashion on the Bottom.

Fashion on the Bottom focuses on the bottom half of the body from the waist down. This illustration is completely black and white with pops of red on the shoes at the bottom.

Medium: Watercolour, Ink

Leather Boots.

Leather Boots is a very simple illustration that focuses on the detail on the boots themselves to showcases what leather looks like but in a illustration aspect.

Size: 297 x 420 mm

Medium:  Copic Markers

Fluffy Shoes.

Fluffy Shoes focuses on a pair of bright pink shoes with blue pompoms on the front of each shoe. To pair with the shoe there is a blue pair of jeans that has fraying on the bottom of them that match the pompoms.

Size: 297 x 420 mm

Medium: Copic Markers

Red Heels.

Red Heels focuses on a close up of a bright red pair of shoes paired with a bright blue pair a baggy jeans.

Size: 297 x 420 mm

Medium: Copic Markers

Blue Heels.

Blue Heels is a close up of the bright bold blue strappy heels.

Size: 297 x 420 mm

Medium: Copic Markers, Fine Liner


Glasses is an illustration made up of five different styles of glasses and have used a range of colours including pink, orange, green, and purple.

Size: 297 x 420 mm

Medium: Gouache




Interior Illustrations