Interior Illustrations.


Chair is an illustration that is solely focused on one large heart shaped chair in the centre of the illustration with a fairly plain background to make the bright red chair pop.

Size: 297 x 420 mm

Medium: Watercolour, Fine Liner

Pattern Chair.

Pattern Chair is an illustration that is solely focused on one large heart shaped chair in the centre of the illustration with a bright striped pattern chair with a dotted seat as well as having the large purple and yellow flowers on the back wall. This illustration is made up of quite a few different colours including purple, yellow, orange, blue and red.

Size: 297 x 420 mm

Medium: Watercolour, Fine Liner

Denim Chair.

Denim Chair is a very bold textured piece that is made to look like denim and is fully blue with tones and shades and aspects of black to add depth to the chair.

Size: 297 x 420 mm

Medium: Gouache

Texture Interior.

Texture Interior is an interior illustration that focuses fully on a range of different textures. These textures include a fluffy pillow, a knitted blanket, a matte lamp plus many more.

Size: 210 x 297 mm

Medium: Gouache, Fine Liner

Collage Interior.

Collage Interior is an interior illustration that uses a mix of painting gouache and magazine cut outs to create a full interior living space.

Size: 210 x 297 mm

Medium: Gouache, Magazine Cut Outs

Interior Vignette.

Interior Vignette is a living room vignette that focuses on a stack of books with a coffee mug and a vase with a dried plant coming out of it.

Size: 210 x 297 mm

Medium: Gouache, Fine Liner

Whitehouse Interior.

Whitehouse Interior was an image that I used and turned into an interior illustration. This illustration focuses on the space by using just black, white, and grey so the space is the highlight of the illustration.

Size: 210 x 297 mm

Medium: Gouache, Fine Liner

Pattern Interior.

Pattern Interior focuses on a neutral colour palette with a heavy focus on patterns. This illustration focuses on a range of different patterns put into a shop interior space.

Size: 210 x 297 mm

Medium: Gouache, Magazine Cut Outs, Fine Liner


Fashion Illustrations


Food Illustrations