Food Illustrations.

Mushroom Dining.

Tegan Dreher specializes in gouache illustrations. This specific illustration focuses on food with dining elements. This illustration focus is the dining setting with the mushrooms that is enhanced by the patterned tea towel it is sitting on.

Size: 210x 297mm

Medium: Gouache, Fine Liner

Smoothie of Goodness.

Tegan Dreher specializes in gouache illustrations. This specific illustration focuses on food. The focus of this illustration is the smoothie bowl. The elements that add to the story in this illustration are the nature aspects of the flowers.

Size: 210x 297mm

Medium: Gouache, Fine Liner

Interiors with Nature.

Tegan Dreher specializes in gouache illustrations. This specific illustration focuses on nature and interiors. The focus is on the glass with the plant coming out of it that is assisted with the grapes at the bottom.

Size: 210x 297mm

Medium: Gouache, Fine Liner

Berry Cereal.

Tegan Dreher specializes in gouache illustrations. This specific illustration focuses on two cereal bowls sitting on a wood chopping board with a striped tea towel in the back. This illustration focuses on texture, and pattern.

Size: 210x 297mm

Medium: Gouache, Fine Liner


Tegan Dreher specializes in gouache illustrations. This specific illustration focuses on food. This illustration focuses on the food onions and all the layers it has. The layers are showcased in the background as well as on the Onions itself.

Size: 210x 297mm

Medium: Gouache


Tegan Dreher specializes in illustrations. This specific illustration focuses on food. This illustration focuses on the food onions and all the layers it has. The layers are showcased in the background as well as on the onions itself. This illustration focuses on the tones between the light and dark areas in the illustration.

Size: 210x 297mm

Medium: Watercolour, Fine Liner


Tegan Dreher specializes in gouache illustrations. This specific illustration focuses on food. This illustration focuses on the food the potatoes and the textures that are also showcased in the background. This includes the baking paper and the fabric.

Size: 210x 297mm

Medium: Gouache


Tegan Dreher specializes in gouache illustrations. This specific illustration focuses on food. This illustration focuses on the food the potatoes and the textures that are also showcased in the background. This includes the baking paper and the fabric.

Size: 210x 297mm

Medium: Watercolour


Interior Illustrations


Portrait Illustrations