
Project Statement.

My concept for formulae is Inn. Inn is going to focus on a range of product photography represented by using a range of different techniques to create a unique style of images. These techniques will be enhanced by using aspects of illustration, nature, and negative space to create a range of photographs that have a unique style and colour palette.

The aim of the product photography is to create three hero images, supporting images and videos to assist the story line. Each hero image will have one main colour for each image. These colours will consist of pink, green, blue, and white and will enhance the product photography to add to the story line. The goal of Inn is to create a fun and exciting shoot using a range of products and a bright colour palette.

The photographs will have a focal point in each, which will be the product or products being sold. This will be assisted by the colour palette used as well as the aspects of nature and illustration. Each hero image will have a monochromatic palette of either pink, blue or green that will be assisted with the neutral colour of white. This will assist in drawing the buyers’ eye to the product that is being sold. The photographs will include a range of different angles with clean clear lighting with aspects of shadows to add to the story. Illustration aspects will also be used throughout the product photography to add depth and more of a story to the images as well. 

Development Collages.



Paradise Project


Bloom Graduate Project