
Beauty Look One

My concept for this beauty shoot is to make the focus of the shoot to be on the eyes and lips, while also focusing on the checks, skin and the jawline. I want this shoot to be very bright, colourful, and bold so that way the makeup the is on the face draws you in to look and question the look that is across the face. I also want the colours of the makeup to be bold and bright so that way I can sell the colour palette that I have created.

This shoot will be styled very simply so that way the colours and makeup will be the focus of the shoot. I want to have minimal to no jewellery with a few hair clips in the hair to add another element to the shoot, as well as pulling the hair away from the face. I plan on having a plain background for the whole beauty shoot with the model in front of it with bold, colourful makeup so that way the makeup and the model are the focus of all the images.


At One…

Product Photography.


Restore Project


Inn Project